Displaying Memory Locations

The watch window allows one to display and monitor a few tags without searching through the entire tag database. This feature is very useful for debugging program operation and mathematical operations. The display the watch window, select View | Watch from the RSLogix5000 main menu. The watch window appears below the ladder logic window. If the watch list is set to "Current Routine", all of the tags used in the displayed routine along with their current values are shown in the watch window. If the watch list is set to "Quick Watch", one specifies the tags to be monitored in the "Name" column.

To change the value of a tag in the watch window, double-click in the “Value” column. Now change the value.

To change the data of a tag, first display the tag. If it is a structure, you can only change individual structure elements. Click on "+" to show the elements. Use the mouse to put the cursor into the (white) value box, and type the new number, followed by <Enter>.

One can also display the tag values by browsing the Controller Tags or Program Tags. Double-click on the Controller Tags or Program Tags (depending on location of tag) to open the data monitor window. Click on the Monitor Tags tab to display the values of the tags.