Unavailable Instructions within Add-On Instructions

Most built-in instructions can be used within Add-On Instructions. The following instructions cannot be used.

Unavailable Instruction Description
BRK         Break
EOT         End of Transition
EVENT         Event Task Trigger
FOR         For (For/Next Loop)
IOT                 Immediate Output
JSR                 Jump to Subroutine
JXR                 Jump to External Routine
MAOC         Motion Arm Output Cam
PATT         Attach to Equipment Phase
PCLF         Equipment Phase Clear Failure
PCMD         Equipment Phase Command
PDET         Detach from Equipment Phase
POVR         Equipment Phase Override Command
RET         Return
SBR         Subroutine
SFP                 SFC Pause
SFR         SFC Reset

but the data instances must be passed as InOut parameters.

· ALMA (Analog Alarm)
· ALMD (Digital Alarm)
· All Motion Instructions
· MSG (Message)